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For his abstract perspectives, Vehap SHEHI disrupts the order, straight lines and perpendicular, explores the oblique and the curve until he extend the link between the relief and inclined.

The perspectives open and close to make life and vibrate the material used. A minimum to reach the essence and to question space, the usual practice of architecture, society, its signs, its faults, its symbols, its dysfunctions.

His creations are born out instinctively of the materiel, in the same way that an architecture would emerge from the ground to the point of abolishing the boundaries between nature and the building.


Lines, folds, marks, cuts, uplift, crossings, withdrawals, movements, detachments, recesses... mark its boxes and give substance to a composition in which the scars, the residual interstices take all their importance.

This instinctive and intuitive approach is rooted in the birth of this architect, when in the last year of studies, he experiments space and forms in the realization of architectural models. He plays rules and conventions in a purist and minimalist spirit.


The design, the geometry, the series impregnate the objects of Vehap Shehi which also know extensions in his architectural, artist and designer projects.


Laure Eggericx


- I.S.A.C.F. La Cambre (options : landscape and garden architecture).

-  4th year of Architecture : the E.A.P.Bx, as Erasmus exchange in Bordeaux, France (options : design, video/photography, data processing)

Diploma certificate obtained in January 2003 at the I.S.A.C.F. La Cambre

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